The polling for the Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections has been underway in Andhra Pradesh. Since 7 a.m. in the morning, there has been a significant voter turnout, with long queues forming in front of polling booths across the state. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy cast his vote at the Bhakarapuram polling station in Pulivendula town. TDP chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu, along with his wife Bhuvaneswari, cast their votes in Undavalli. Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan cast his vote in the Mangalagiri constituency. PM Modi appealed to Andhra Pradesh voters to cast their votes in large numbers, specifically mentioning first-time voters in the state, in a tweet.
Why confuse? Vote for Fan: YSRCP
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has appealed to voters in Andhra Pradesh to vote for the NDA alliance in a tweet. The TDP asked voters to choose the ‘Cycle’ symbol if it was present on the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). If the cycle symbol is not present, they instructed voters to select the ‘Lotus’ symbol. If neither the cycle nor the lotus symbol is displayed, they urge voters to vote for the ‘Glass’ symbol. In response to this tweet, the YSRCP shared a tweet saying, ‘Why is there so much confusion? Vote for the ‘Fan’ symbol of the YSRCP in all 175 constituencies across Andhra Pradesh.’ Both parties are very confident about winning the elections, and they are promoting this confidence through their digital campaigns.
ఇంత కన్ఫ్యూజన్ ఎందుకు…? మొత్తం 175 నియోజకవర్గాల్లో మన ఫ్యాను గుర్తుకు ఓటు వేయండి…
175 నియోజకవర్గాల్లో మన గుర్తు ఫ్యాను…ఎవ్వరూ ఎక్కడా కన్ఫ్యూజ్ అవ్వాల్సిన పనేలేదు! 😎#VoteForFan#YSJaganAgain
— YSR Congress Party (@YSRCParty) May 12, 2024
Vote for YSRCP if You’ve Benefited from Government: YS Jagan
The YSRCP believes that all beneficiaries of welfare schemes will certainly vote for the party. The party expects a one-sided vote in its favour in rural areas of the state. After casting his vote in Pulivendula, CM YS Jagan reiterated that voters should only cast their votes for the YSRCP if they believe the government has performed well and they have benefited from the government. This confidence demonstrates Jagan Mohan Reddy’s confidence in retaining power for a second term in the state.