The countdown to the election has begun in Andhra Pradesh, with just 48 hours remaining until the polls. Meanwhile, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) is allegedly attempting to induce voters through bribery during this silence period. In furtherance of this quid-pro-quo activity, the TDP has developed a dedicated app named ‘WeApp,’ which is being operated through party booth-level convenors. Through this app, the Telugu Desam Party has been collecting voter data and misusing it to induce voters, which is a clear violation of the guidelines issued by the Election Commission on May 2nd. As per the guidelines, seeking details of voters under the guise of surveys or beneficiary schemes is considered illegal under Section 123(1) of the Representation of the People Act 1951.
‘WeApp’: The Tool of Manipulation
It is evident that the TDP has no confidence in winning elections; thus, the party is involved in the ‘Cash for Vote’ scam to sway voters in their favor. Through ‘WeApp’. The TDP is collecting booth-level voter data, including names, familial connections, age, gender, contact details, caste, house address, occupation, political affiliations, vote ID numbers, booth numbers, etc. With this data, the TDP is attempting to manipulate these voters by offering bribery or other inducements. They are allegedly engaging in direct financial transactions with voters through UPI accounts. Distributing money directly to voters on the ground is difficult under the tight security for elections, so the TDP is using technology to offer financial inducements to voters.
This app is not available on public domains like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store; it is a specially designed app distributed only to selected booth-level convenors. YSRCP workers exposed this, identifying one such app called ‘WeApp Ongole.’ Registrations and access to this app are fully controlled by the TDP state office.
Illegal and Punishable Activities by the TDP
‘WeApp’ has been developed to generate voter slips with specific barcodes containing the names of TDP candidates in that particular constituency and the party symbol. These voter slips have been distributed widely. As each slip is attached to a specific barcode, it becomes easy for the party to monitor the money distribution to voters and their responses. Stealing data and using it for illegal activities are punishable under Section IPC 379 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. This contravenes the Representation of the People Act, 1951, and Section 171(B), undermining the principles of fair electoral practice.
YSRCP’s Appeal to the Election Commission
The YSRCP has lodged a complaint with the Election Commission of India, outlining the TDP’s involvement in voter data breaches and its subsequent use of monetary bribes. The party has urged the Commission to take decisive action against senior TDP leaders who orchestrated this illegal system. Additionally, they have called for repercussions against booth-level coordinators complicit in this conspiracy. The YSRCP has specifically accused TDP national president Chandrababu Naidu, state president Atchannaidu, and national general secretary Nara Lokesh of clear violations of EC orders pertaining to unlawful activities. Furthermore, the party has urged the EC to issue instructions to all polling officers to inspect mobile devices installed with ‘WeApp’. They demand immediate action on this matter to ensure fair elections and safeguard the integrity of electoral democracy.